Why iPad is not recommended for children from 0 - 6. From perspective of the Montessori Method. 1. Often iPad provokes the passive perception of information (I'm sitting-entertain me). It is the opposite of what happens in the classroom where child gains knowledge as a result of independent actions.
2. Information obtained through iPad offers very limited sensory experience: parts of sensory perceptions are not involved (smell and touch). In addition, not all sounds can be represented authentically, iPad produces reproduction of the real sounds.
The history is a fascinating subject. It becomes alive with visual presentation. These cards can help to build a clear view of the evolution of transport.
You can download the set of printables from my TeachersPayTeachers store here.
You are also welcome to browse through companion books which are great addition to Transport Unit and Inventions Unit.
"Anyone who wants to follow my method must understand that he should not honor me, but follow the child as his leader."
Maria Montessori
I would like to share with you Prenatal Development Timeline printables I created to assist in teaching about the miracle of life. Montessori timeline cards assist in teaching sequence of different events. This timeline shows development of a human baby in a womb.
Prenatal Development Teaching Resource includes:
- 10 large timeline cards with fetal development stages
- 10 3-Part Montessori cards with short prenatal development stages and short description for every stage.
- Printable for children to reflect on their learning - cut out and stick on in the right order pictures of fetal development.
I invite you to become my TeachersPayTeachers Store follower to receive notifications when I post new Montessori Printables. Every time I make new Montessori Printable I post it for free or for $1 available for 24 hours only. After that it goes for the full price.
In Montessori classroom we talk a lot about different cultures and their traditions. This stamp activity contains Christmas stamp pictures from countries around the world.
This is time of the year when families begin to decorate homes with Christmas magic choosing ways to fill their home with celebration. Many prefer traditional Christmas tree set up at home, others might enjoy creating something different with their own hands. There are a few examples that truly inspired my creativity.
child who has become master of his acts through long and repeated
exercises, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and
interesting activities in which he has been engaged, is a child
filled with health and joy and remarkable for his calmness and
discipline." Maria Montessori
We introduced this practical life activity in our Preschool Montessori classroom in the beginning of the year when children were getting to now each other. It served purpose of encouraging children to communicate and interact in a positive way.
Here is a collection of activities from our Montessori Center. Lovely Montessori teachers kindly allowed me to share their ideas with you, beautiful readers.
Loosing close ones is something that no one can be prepared to deal with no matter how strong they are. There is always a part that dies inside when dear person leaves forever. I worked with different ages of children, and what I have noticed, is that the older the children are the more questions they have.
As an Early Childhood worker I understand how stressful this time of the year can be with million and one things occupying teacher's mind. I decided to put this post together to make it a bit easier to find great, high quality, colourful and educational Christmas printables for kids. There are literally hundreds of awesome print outs for FREE. Just choose which one you would like and click on link.
Christmas time is such a magic time of the year for everyone, especially our little friends. Since they are going through sensitive period in their developing process, baby's senses get stimulated in a major way. Things like smiling, friendly faces of family members, bright colours of Christmas trees; sparkles of store displays, spiky feel of mistletoe, glittery dust on post cards from Grandma, yummy smells of crispy turkey and ginger bread cookies.. Gifts is also a great way to make Christmas more exciting for young children.
Let me share with you some activities I was introducing to my one year old girl at home. Let me tell you a secret, I do not spend every night preparing activities for her for the next day, not even planning.. My favourite style is to play it by ear. I always keep in mind that it is important to engage all five senses when introducing her to different toys, also offer her something that will help her develop deep concentration and is age appropriate. I try to connect our work at home to events that took place recently in our life. For example, after travelling I set up this station:
“Language lies at the root of that transformation of the environment that we call civilization” -Maria Montessori. As Maria Montessori said, language is a "root". It is something that helps us to connect to outside world, our inner world, develop, grow, become part of the society. As a mum and educator I like to provoke deeper thinking look in the matter of things. Essential skills like reading and writing are skills that help to create person's world. For some reason becoming mum made me take completely different perspective on education and led me to decide to homeschool our children in future. As a part of my plan I have made a decision to past upon teaching reading and writing until the age of six or even seven. Here is why.
You truly realise that it is a small world when you look at our family: mum was born in Russia, dad is Chilean, daughter was born in Australia. Needless to say, our holiday destinations are pretty much already predetermined. What do you think crossed my mind when I was thinking about flying across the world on my own (hubby had to stay home) with 18 months old toddler? I do not think I could possibly be totally prepared for 56 hours in the air with a small child in compound, limited space. Well, there were a few things that helped me to stay sane and actually enjoy our truly bonding experience. All in all it was not bad at all! Our girl did a very good job!
The other day I saw the most amazing and effective presentation for preschool children on sustainability given by lovely Wendy from Composkids.
Racheous is running a great, insightful Montessori Mythbusters series.There are so many misconceptions surrounding Montessori and many great experts and teachers in the Montessori blogosphere. My hope with this Montessori Mythbusters series is to bring the two together, as well as Montessori-loving parents like myself, to educate and inspire.
What is Montessori for me? After working at Montessori classroom for a few years and attending numerous courses I had what I thought a very clear picture in my head of what Montessori is.
It is time to share the most important and fundamental part of my life: tell about my friend, hero, motivator, mentor, adviser, teacher, Heavenly father - God, Jesus. How often did I hear these words: "why believe in someone you can not see, hear, touch, physically prove they are there? Are you crazy, why you are talking to yourself? Are you weak? Do you always need someone to help you to make it?" well... the things in our life that are most important or have enormous power over us are the things can not be touched or seen, or sometimes even expressed with words, like happiness, joy, love, depression, envy. These "things" motivate us, determine our fate. God is as invisible but just as real and powerful force that can be a part of people's life. How do I prove His evidence in my life? Hmm.. do you know the feeling when you are with someone who loves you so much that you can feel it with your skin, that soft, tingly excitement that fills your gut with bubbles? This is how it feels, multiplied by hundreds. Many times I lived through these precious moments when after a prayer I cried and cried with the cry when you feel your gut is going to explode, but not from sadness. It is a strange sensation like you have been washed from inside out. After that I felt so clean in my mind, soul, empty from any negative emotion
. When your eyes become crystal clear and people do not feel comfortable looking at you, because they just see through you. So when people try to "talk me out" of my faith, its simply impossible because we've been introduced with my God. We had many "cups of coffee" together when I poured out my heart to Him and He listened.. Again you do not need to see someone to know that they are listening.. And He comforted me, He always understood and stood by my side. Always. This is what I'm looking for in a close friend, in partner, in myself.. and in my God. So here is my story. The reason I share, is because I want to be able to introduce this awesome God, friend, counselor to others if they have not met Him yet. It is worth your while. The key, like with every relationship, is to not give up after your first 'chat' with Him.. It took me years to really get to know Him. A quiet cozy place with a cuppa and Bible where no one is going to hear you "talking to yourself" is a good place to start.
Here is something that profoundly describes why exactly I chose my God to rule my life..
“I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross. The only God I believe in is the One Nietzsche ridiculed as 'God on the cross.' In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it? I have entered many Buddhist temples in different Asian countries and stood respectfully before the statue of the Buddha, his legs crossed, arms folded, eyes closed, the ghost of a smile playing round his mouth, a remote look on his face, detached from the agonies of the world. But each time after a while I have had to turn away. And in imagination I have turned instead to that lonely, twisted, tortured figure on the cross, nails through hands and feet, back lacerated, limbs wrenched, brow bleeding from thorn-pricks, mouth dry and intolerably thirsty, plunged in Godforsaken darkness. That is the God for me! He laid aside his immunity to pain. He entered our world of flesh and blood, tears and death. He suffered for us. Our sufferings become more manageable in the light of his. There is still a question mark against human suffering, but over it we boldly stamp another mark, the cross that symbolizes divine suffering. 'The cross of Christ ... is God’s only self-justification in such a world” as ours....' 'The other gods were strong; but thou wast weak; they rode, but thou didst stumble to a throne; But to our wounds only God’s wounds can speak, And not a god has wounds, but thou alone.”
The most inspirational video you will ever see Nick Vujicic
Looking for idea for a Practical Life activity? How about making pomegranate juice. One of the oldest known fruits, found in writings and artifacts of many cultures and religions, the pomegranate (punica granatum) is an original native of Persia. This nutrient dense, antioxidant rich fruit has been revered as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life.
We all would like to see our children flourish: be happy, independent, confident and compassionate. We also realise, as parents, that we can not full relay on childcares, schools, Sunday Schools at Church to do the job for us. There are so many ways to establish and lay foundation for our children to be all we desire them to be to succeed in life. It begins very early in life: with newborns it is as simple (or as hard) as picking child up when they are crying at any time of day and night. These are simple things that can be very hard to do but will pay of in future. Let me share with you today what I found to be effective at home - activities that are easy to make, and ideas that can help you to guide your child's development.
My toddler is 16 months old. Now she is getting into a stage when she actively seeks engagement in everyday chores and has burning desire to do things on her own: brushing her hear, putting on her socks, shoes and feeding herself with a spoon. It took me all the self restraining power in the world not to feed her. She insisted on feeding herself. At the beginning she would get very little food and would stop eating out of frustration. However, now it is so easy for both of us - she can feed herself easily using spoon and I can eat at the same time. One day when I was hanging her nappies she walked to the basket and started passing me them. Now every time when we hang wet clothes, I ask her to help me.
In this blog I would like to share activities I arranged for our 13 months old girl. I hope these will help you when organising your child's play space. The key for me is not to spend money on new materials (which is always fun if one can afford), but to utilise resources available around: in cupboard, in the kitchen, outside in park, etc. It gives a good practise for imagination.
One of our activities this month are consisted on a few natural objects we found while taking a walk outside: seeds, leafs, etc. A word of caution: child always has to be supervised during his or her time of discovery as materials are not safe if not used carefully. I always keep close eye if there is glass involved, or metal coins, object that have small details on them, or with sharp parts.
At this age movement plays significant role in child's development and is essential. Montessori nature walks are always highlights of the day for us. These are done in child's pace. I encourage you to start noticing smallest details and draw child's attention to it when going for a walk: foot print of an animal, colours of flowers around, sizes and shapes of different leafs.. It will bring enormous pleasure to your little friend.
When I prepare activities I try to make sure they require minimum assistance from me and I always demonstrate how to use it before leaving it on the shelf. The reality is that most likely at one stage child will mix everything up and will find great pleasure in pulling everything from shelf, leaving mess on floor. However, I find that during these few precious minutes a day my little angel follows my gentle guidance so precisely, it brings huge satisfaction to see her develop deep concentration over meaningful tasks.
So here we go.
Nothing speaks LOVE like Easter - "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends". John 15:13 This is the time when I try to show children different side of love - painful, uncomfortable, difficult. Love which presents scarifies and gives up comfort. It can be love for mum and dad - listening, love for yourself - making right healthy choices, love for friends - letting them to have turn first, love for work - see every work done, love for other - keeping promises. The children need to see that rewards for these sacrifices are so sweet and pleasant, they help them gain something that can not be seen but lasts forever.
During Group time I tell the story of Palm Sunday. Did you know that palm is the most flexible tree? No matter how hard the wind is - it can't break palm tree. I always loved this verse from Psalm 92: "The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree". I thought it's quite amazing. We look into the parts of a palm leaf and talk about why people in those days used palm leafs to greet Jesus. I encouraged children to reenact this story and they make craft with palm leafs. Later we play "pin donkey's tail" game which they usually find hilarious. Here are some Easter Montessori shelves activities to encourage work on developing hand grip, finger strength, concentration, fine motor skills, etc. These are activities on transferring, sorting, matching, colouring and cutting.
percent of a child’s brain development takes place by the age of 5.
Synapses are created with astonishing speed in the first three years
of life. For the rest of the first decade, a child’s brain has
twice as many synapses as an adult’s brain. This means that a
child’s environment during the first five years of life can greatly
impact the brains’ ability to develop.”
occurs during the first five years of life can have an enormous
impact on not only do well the baby’s brain develops at the moment,
but how well that baby learns and grow throughout their lifetime,”
Music has been a part of my life
for so many years that it actually became something that forms a part of my
being. I like to get into the very foundation of things, and a fun part of being
a teacher - you learn to break the most complicated issues into little bits and
pieces to make it very easy to understand. I was very passionate about helping
my child to make music an essential part of her world. I would like to share
what I do with her day to day to make it happen.