Why iPad is not recommended for children from 0 - 6. From perspective of the Montessori Method.

Why iPad is not recommended for children from 0 - 6. From perspective of the Montessori Method.

1. Often iPad provokes the passive perception of information (I'm sitting-entertain me). It is the opposite of what happens in the classroom where child gains knowledge as a result of independent actions.

2. Information obtained through iPad offers very limited sensory experience: parts of sensory perceptions are not involved (smell and touch). In addition, not all sounds can be represented authentically, iPad produces reproduction of the real sounds.   

3.The modern culture that reflects through iPad applications does not always represent the reality based characters. Children can discriminate difference between reality and illusion only after 6 years of age.   

4. The most important point is that  iPad is an instrument. As any other instrument it is made to assist person to accomplish their work more efficiently. The main work of a child from 0-6 is to form their personality. The majority part of it is working on learning, developing and mastering the skills of practical life. Obviously, iPad can not provide this type of experience and can be more of a distraction.
Source: Russian Montessori Society

Technology Use Guidelines for Children and Youth


If you would like to read more on the topic, check out these articles about screen effects on children:

Pediatricians urge parents to limit kids' "screen time"

Babies and Toddlers Should Learn from Play, Not Screens

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