What we did this month..Montessori inspired play for 11 months old.

Here are our recent activities. Isn't it amazing to watch them grow and learn at such a great pace! Taking my girl to Montessori Children's house two days a week has really facilitated in boosting her interaction skills, her ability to adopt. It's been so amazing to see her attach to other wonderful people.

#Crawling tunnel made out of chairs and a blanket with a soft toy at the end. Good for introducing positional language and gross motor skills.

#A "treasure" box with a surprise.

#Handmade bugs that hang from the wall. Child pulls the string down and the wings spread. Cute and kids love it.

# water play with shells with beetroot juice as a water colouring.

# Bracelet activity. This encourages child to cross hands which is very beneficial for brain development! It can  take a while for child that young to learn the concept, but with a few demonstrations and patience they will master it very soon.

# Puzzle. My girl loves it.
View on Amazon a great Animal touch and feel puzzle.

# Egg and a cup. She did it!!! She even can place egg in a cup from a standing position :) Being successful with it makes her very proud.

# Shape and a box. My little lady mastered this one as well. She can work with it for ages.. I mean for a good 5 minutes of solid concentration.

# Lock box is her favourite. This will entertain our girl for a few years to come. I love how it has many different details.
 View on Amazon a beautiful Wooden Barn Latch Box

# Colour matching. Oh she made me proud.. Once I saw her collecting only red pieces in a bucket, leaving the rest of the colours behind.

 # Doll with a hat. Our baby girl was shown how to put hat on a doll. She enjoys doing it now all on her own.

That's us this month. All the best to you and your little person!


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