Free Art Appreciation Printables (KLP Link Up)

Art is something I have a very strong passion for. It is always captivating to see children express their creativity and open up ways their beautiful minds work. I would like to share with you a wonderful collection of free art appreciation printables I found online.

1. Art Spotlight: Franz Marc’s Fate of the Animals from Two Muses Homeschool

2. Art Appreciation Printables for Painting from Montessori Nature - resource for very young children.

3Art Appreciation - Coloring Pages from Livingston Public Schools - A very rich collection of downloads for colouring.

4. Free printable outlines of famous artwork for kids to colour. Also, many downloads and info on learning about artists using the Charlotte Mason technique. from Practical Pages.

5FAMOUS PAINTINGS Art Appreciation/Lessons For Kids. Choose artist and scroll down to find free downloads and worksheets.From Garden of Praise.

Kids Learning Printables Link Up co-hosted together with 

* Please note that linked up printables are not limited by topic or theme!

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                                                             Montessori Nature

Please note:By linking up, you are giving us permission to use and repost images from your blog. 

    An InLinkz Link-up


1 comment:

  1. What fabulous art printables! I can't wait to use some of them, as I struggle in the art area.


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