Montessori Inspired Learning Activities for Toddlers.

Toddlers flourish when they are engaged with activities that inspire their independence. Outside our regular exercises which develop everyday skills, we do a few simple but meaningful play activities. Most of those activities are based on Montessori principals, they stimulate senses, once mastered, require minimum involvement of an adult, are attractive and sequential. Also many of activities I do with my child are Reggio inspired as they include natural materials and open - ended play.
1. We got these butterfly wall decor from dollar store. First we arranged them from the largest to the smallest and then we took it outside to see how they catch  reflection of the sky and sun light. We also counted how many blue glass drops we can fit in butterfly frame and made a sensory tray with lavender. 

2) Real musical instruments are very effective tools for exploring sound and different textures. We often experiment with the sound, learn about rhythm and tempo by playing instruments to the music.

3) Pebbles are great materials for creating all sorts of learning activities, for example we made shape and primary colours matching work. I drew on pebbles first and also allowed my daughter to colour in the rest.

4) Carrot, apple and raisins is super healthy snack and great first salad to learn to make. I usually help her to peel and grate apple and carrot, then she adds raisins and we mix everything up together.

5) We often like to experiment with different colours, paints and textures. We observe, feel, smell and create..

6) Games that involve tunnel have very many benefits. She learns to crawl through it, learns to roll a ball and push it hard enough to get on the other side, it reinforces literacy and language (when learning prepositions) , it is a lot of fun.

7) When it comes to choosing toys for our child I think natural, educational, purposeful, fun!
Here is what is on our shelves these days:

Sensory Tray with Lavender and Rosemary - looking for small objects..

Learning yellow colour..

 Here is what Easter looked like in our home..

So here is what has been inspiring us.

I would love to hear what you have been up to! Feel free to leave a comment below and a link to your post/activity.

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  1. I love the salad idea! We will give that a try tomorrow. Thank you!

  2. Montessori Nature13 April 2014 at 15:18

    I am glad to hear that! :) I hope you both enjoy!!


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